Plague Inc.

Plague Inc. burst on to the iOS scene in spring of 2012. The pathogen strategy game skyrocketed to the top of the iOS paid charts, killing everything in its path. Despite rave reviews and a near five star rating by users, the app had a number of 1 star ratings. The reason: It was simply too difficult for many users. Struggling to kill everyone? Frustrated with how quickly science is curing pathogens? Complaining a lot about Greenland? We’re here to help. You’ll find tips and tricks here that will give you the extra edge to win at Plague Inc. Bacteria or nano-virus, whatever your pathogen of choice we will help you win!


  1. Are you going to release it for computer?

    1. It was orginally a computer game. Its pandemic on the computer.

    2. but it's not the same game...
      So again: Are you going to release Plague Inc for mac /pc?

    3. but it's not the same game...
      So again: Are you going to release Plague Inc for mac /pc?

    4. Why would you ask here and not the dev?

    5. Your wish came true: go check out Steam :D

  2. The in-game description states that you get dna points from killing people, but I've noticed that once you infect everyone in the world, the only dna i get are from DNA bubbles. The Same is true about mutations. Once Everyone is infected, my disease no longer mutates.

    1. That's strange, because even once I had infected everyone I was still acumulating points (although not NEARLY as many as before) and my disease definitely mutated even after everyone was infected. It probably just slows down the rate of points/mutations because you are/should be starting to kill everyone off.

    2. You also get points from killing people. If you never knew that.

    3. Yeah that's strange; I don't get points but I still get mutations

    4. Yeah, I usually don't mutate much once i start killing, but I usually gain 1 or 2 points a day.

    5. Did you get lethal symptoms? YOu won't Automagically start killing people once the whole world is infected,you have to get Symptoms that kill them...

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Sorry, I can't Delete that for some odd reason. Here's what I meant to post:

  3. Those who complain are clearly not stratergists. The aim is to discreetly create an infectious but not deadly disease, then when the whole world is infected more or less you can unleash your fury by upgrading the DNA symtoms to be more fatal and cause deaths faster. As for Greenland, well I start with Greenland and ensure that it gets transmitted by water, then I upgrade it later to withstand heat so that It can spread south. I have found though even if Greenland is my starting country it still takes ridiculously long to get rid of them. I know where I'll be heading if a kill virus breaks out!!!

    1. Easiest if you have both the water transmissions and the cold resistance abilities. Get all the animals infected and boom you got them.

    2. I always start in India, but it usually takes Water 1 and Cold 2 to get and fully infect Greenland

    3. For Greenland and Iceland you need to either start somewhere cold to begin with like Russia or upgrade to Cold 2 if you start in a warm area.

    4. i find that starting out in england is the best because with getting all the transmitions i infect the world in 10-25 mins and killiong doesn't take much longer than that

    5. You can take Greenland with Cold 1 and when starting from a warm area you waste a lot of DNA points for 57 thousand people . You have to be careful if playing on brutal about getting noticed before infecting Greenland once you infect them and most other countries the right symptoms will spread much faster than Cold 2. Go for the projectile vomiting and pneumonia.

    6. On fungus wait to infect all the other Country/Region then use spore burst

  4. I just 'won' my first game on normal... a nasty little bug called 'The Shitz'
    interestingly the last human on earth died on day 666 :-)

    1. I get the 666 reference, kinda creepy lol.

    2. That is one hell of a coincidence.

    3. I got my highest score on virus game. I called it craze666, Satan doesn't destroy the world GOD does.

    4. See that is where you are wrong. God has a better place for everyone all you have to do to get there is 1 go to church 2 devote your life to God and 3 help spread the good word of God.

    5. A lot of these comments and conversations on this whole blog/site are amusing - sort of what you might hear on a restroom break as all the various theological pantheons in heaven/valhalla/&c. swap tips on how to smite the pesky human non-believers.

      I'd love to see a variation of the PC game that allows historic plagues - Pharaoh's plagues from Exodus, the black death, the Spanish flu, not to mention China being the Devil's petrie dish throughout the 1800s. Or scenarios based on "Outbreak" by Robin Cook, "Executive Orders" by Tom Clancy, or that great apocalyptic log, "The Stand" by Stephen King (to mention just a few; clearly there are more, but those are what come to mind at the moment.)

  5. I cannot pass the fungi stage on normal. I've tried literally 30+ methods

    1. What I did to kill everyone with fungi is only paying attention to the transmission tree first livestock, rodents and birds I maxed out first and degraded any mutation that it mutated to so it would stay under the radar..I would only user the spore bursts when I maxed out the transmission tree and when everyone was infected branch of the symptoms to fatal..boom

    2. Strange - I have not ever lost... What I usually do is use the DNA points first on "beefing up" the pathogen (make med resistant, etc.) and make air/water the transmission. Once I got a large amount of the population infected, then I add the symptoms and I usually wait until I have enough DNA points to add many of the fatal ones - like repository failures and total organ failures. By the time they start looking for a cure, the death rate is too great to stop, and my average is 40% cure.

    3. the trick with the fungus stage is to watch out for when your fungus mutates automatically. You need to then devolve those symptoms, keeping the strain indetectable. Once everyone is infected and there are no healthy people left unleash as many fatal symptoms as possible. Don't bother with the infective symptoms at that point, just make it deadly

    4. To pass the fungi stage I just devolved every mutation and got level 1 of every transmission, I then beefed the fungi by ading drug and climate resistance and then spaming the spore bursts, devolving them and spore bursting again, I had the whole world infected in just 5 mins. After that just get deadly symptoms, I usually go for total organ failure and necrosis because they're the quickest symptoms u can get

  6. If you get the full version, you can get extra upgrades to help you eliminate all of the humans


    1. I know for a fact you can unlock everything without paying extra.It just takes a while to unlock some things.

    2. U can unlock it it isn't lying, it never says you can use it all

    3. No need for the full version. You can unlock them all by just playing.

    4. SAme as the genes... I unlocked about 30% above, but i cant use them :/, that is... unless i buy the full version -_-

    5. You do have to buy the full game to use genes, but you don't have to pay for the unlocks themselves. Can you really not afford $1?

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. ALLLLLL right. Are you beating it on Normal or Casual? You have to beat it on Normal or Brutal to unlock the next thing. Also,when you flame somebody,PLEASE USE PROPER ENGLISH! If you JUST HOLD SHIFT OR PRESS CAPS YOU LOOK STUPID,DOESN'T THIS LOOK STUPID?

    8. The full version costs less than $2. If you can afford to have a smart phone (hardware cost & data), then you should have no problem digging for $2 to play a game that gives hours of entertainment.

    9. search the internet for a page named '4' via smartphone then text plague inc and boom u can download a version of the game with both worms and zombies unlocked

    10. well I got the game free from a random dude... only 1 virus so far.

  8. After I found a decent strategy on bacteria I beat every thing else with just. About the same method
    made make it getting birds livestock ultimate water and air and coughing and sneezing. And after that some small tweaks and boom no more people

  9. dude just buy the damn game, its a freaking dollar. what you gonna do with that dollar? blow it on a candy bar? stop being a cheap ass and just purchase the damn thing. its obviously something you play enough if you should have unlocked everything, so show the creators some love and pay them for their hard work. they will return the favor by working to put more updates adding new diseases, symptoms, etc.

  10. Start Egypt, dont mutate any symptoms beyond coughing until you are sure you can kill people. Devolve any symptoms that mutate.

    Only get Air I, Air II, Water I, Water II, Extreme BioAerosol transmission. Get Cold resist I and II, Medicine Resist I. Once cure research starts, get a point or two in the one that slows down research.

    Once everyone is infected, mutate straight to Organ failure from coughing, when you have the points spread to Coma then insanity.

    Obviously spend points in your disease specific abilities as needed.

  11. This is a great game, although I feel it could be harder, a lot harder.

    People mention it being a dense strategy game, as do the developer but all in all it's to easy. I beat it all in 2 days by just playing (no cheats/purchases). Barely had any game overs.

    Hopefully they'll make it more difficult in the future.

  12. I have beat this game many ways on all difficultys, only 3 achievements left to achieve peer pressure, the under 365 days with bacteria and the space one any ideas?

    1. The 365 start in usa upgrade medicine 1 then work on animal transmission. Get it as infectious as possible untill no healthy people are left then unleash the most deadly symptoms.

  13. I'm already on Prion! Fungus was the hardest until I started in Madagascar, devolved EVERYTHING until everyone got infected, then hit em with so many symptoms I killed everyone in about 20 min!lol Prion is real slow, I can't wait to play the nano virus, hopefully by tomorrow!;-)

    1. I agree. Madagascar is one of the best places to start period, one because when they start cure research, it takes forever and two its onw of the hardest to infect if you start elsewhere. Just stay there for a bit, get your plague real nasty, then up your transmission and it spreads like wildfire!

    2. If I start in Madagascar the damn place doesnt send out plague ships at all even with water and air transmissions at max. Bloody annoying lol

    3. Starting in Madagascar on nano-virus will not work. Ever.

    4. Saudi Arabia is my favorite place to start, you'll directly infect all of the major places with an airport including Iceland and New Zealand, and get Madagascar by boat.

  14. I like paying as virus because it so much fun. Personally I think playing as virus is the easiest cause your mutations occur automatically so you wont have to spend DNA points for them. What's your favorite pathogen?

    1. Virus is the most annoying for me! I hate how you have to pay to devolve, so it costs heaps to stay unnoticed until you are ready. I personally like Prion right now, it is pretty good fun. Fungus for me was really easy too, beat it first time

    2. Paying for virus you mean? Good point.

  15. I am stuck on nano virus Idk how to beat it

    1. Yeah, anyone got any ideas on besting nano? Bit tough when research happens from the start & DNA is playing catchup.

    2. well..... you could try to use genetic hardening or..... its special trait, btw, nano virus is said to have escaped from a lab so logically........ reseach automatically starts at starting country

    3. you need slight infectivity with a transmission then fully upgrade the two unique abilities you should infect almost every country maybe miss one but that will almost do it

  16. Sweet game, killed the world my second try! Can't wait for zombies!

  17. Wit nano ijus kept it symptom free till I had abt 4billion infected and all island nations. Then slammed symptoms and kept delaying the cure and developing new strains. Havn a lil trouble w

    1. I think it is best to have a little bit of symptoms but not enough to bring the pop up of it being scary. Apart from that, it is a very good stratagy

  18. I play it alot. Whenever I unlock a feature it never lets me use it though, and I come from another country and I don't have a bank account so the free version is all I can afford. The best way to beat it is to start in a poor country, and infect all livestock and animals, and build up resistance. The "quick" game nobody washes their hands or anything, so you can learn technique before playing the "real" game :)

  19. It is so hard to get Greenland, even in the easy version. and if you choose Greenland as your starter country, Madagascar is the tough cookie!

    1. Start in Madagascar and upgrade cold twice. You get greenland everytime.

  20. I can never wipe out canada. Start in egypt beat everythingi greenland included

  21. I've just downloaded the game several times, and each time I open it, the interface and map won't load. I can see the ports and such, but I can't see the countries, half of the controls, or any of the graphics.

  22. You have to be kidding me yes Greenland is ability tricky however I've never had trouble with Madagascar. i almost always start in Egypt or more recently U.K.. I'm only to fungus however i have the others beat on all 3 levels. for me i choose to go super fast transmission few ability upgrades if needed then slam them(at the right time) with every symptom i can unlock. i choose to unlock low level so when it mutates it mutates the more expensive deadly ones. hope this helps some of you

  23. try starting in india, their population is 1.3 billion and by the time u infect them thats 1/6 of the population. also go the for paranoia sympyom, it stops people seeking help. after that work on spreading it and then as soon as it goes global get all the deadly symptoms. wat do people do about the yellow banners in the newsfeed?

  24. Why does this game say you can unlock cheats by completing all the diseases on brutal to then say when you do that you have to buy neurax worm and do that on brutal...It never said that when you click on cheats.
    So either get that text box to say "and neurax worm" or let us earn it for free by completing the free diseases!
    I was looking forward to getting cheats for free so I spent quite a long time doing all the diseases on brutal to find out I need to spend money.
    And to all the people out there who will tell me to buy it and spend money: I'm sorry I don't have the luxury or being able to attach a card to my Google account and even then I wouldn't have any money. Not everyone has cards and money.

  25. Hi.. how much is the full version of plaque inc? i must say it is a highly addictive game and too much of fun.. i think China is the best place to start the plague. The highest population in the world gets me lots of dna points early, and it has a land connection to India, Russia and the Middle East, with ports to most of the South East Asian countries.

  26. Name your plague Boobs or Poop or Hair, the in game popups will make u giggle

  27. Does anyone have any tips on how to speed up the infection of Canada and the US? In the Neurax I keep losing because the infections slow to a crawl and even when I have 200 or more DNA points left to play with I can't get those rates to speed up

    I'll slow the cure down as much as I can and increase the Transmissions but no go

    1. Get the drug resistance, the symptom to the left of cysts (cant recall the name sorry), cold resistance. Rodent, livestock and bird will help also.

  28. If you can afford the iPad or smart phone needed to play this game then you can afford the 65pence to unlock the full version. It's the cost of 2 txt messages. would the oxfam wannabes please stop moaning about paying pittance for the full version. This is an excellent game that can be played for free!

  29. Get drug resistance abilities air/water 1 Air/water 2 extreme bioaerosol and blood 1 & 2 I had the whole world infected within 5 minutes and over 100 DNA points saved up then when there are no healthy people left go to symptoms and evolve up to paralysis, internal hemorrhaging, hemorrhagic shock, coma, necrosis, and organ failure I killed everyone and the cure wasn't even 50% complete

    Mark Schifo Parker Arizona

  30. Is there a way to zoom in on smaller countries? I have lots of problems with the necroa virus because I just cant reach certain countries.

    1. Yes there is. Put put two fingers on the screen, and move them apart. It zooms it in fast. To zoom out put two fingers on the screen as far apart as you can, and then bring them closer.

  31. I have been reading the previous comments and have something to say. For those of you saying that people should stop complaining, you should really consider the state of the economy before you comment. Yeah, it is only a dollar. But there are some of us who have had bad luck and now we can't even afford an extra penny, let alone a dollar. We have to have our priorities. Sometimes feeding your child is more important than a game. I happen to play on a 4 year old phone that I got before I was laid off, not an expensive device. And it does say on various sites that you can unlock everything and play it without paying. So please think about it before you comment.

    1. When I can't afford a game, I simply don't play it until I can. Bunch of whining self-entitled brats!

  32. May I just point out that your complaints about having to pay are so not valid..before jumping up and shouting wo is me, play the game through and you CAN unlock everything without spending a penny.
    I got a new phone and had to start over again which is fine. I've never paid for the game and can use everything including the necroa virus and the cheats...just because I beat the other viruses first.

    I much say they seem to have changed the specs and formula in the game...Canada is a struggle now, it never used to be.

  33. Can somebody pls tell how to beat the nano virus level. Cant seem to beat the game on this level. Cure starts as soon as the game starts and wont have enough time to infect the rest of the world.has anybody beat this level yet? if so,some tips would be great. Thanks

  34. I did, I beat it like the other virus level. I started in India, and quickly evolved, and boom! I won.
    Sorry, I am not very helpful. I don't remember exactly what I did, but I'll see if I can comment later after I play again.

  35. if you want ur plague to speard quicker start it somewhere like uganda or sudan

  36. Plague will no longer launch on my Galaxy S3. I've shut down the app, rebooted the phone, cleared out the cache. Has anyone had this happen?

    Do I need to reinstall it? Will I lose all my purchases and DNA levels I've acquired?

  37. Hehe name your disease My butt. It's just glorious.

  38. Name your disease Something. Then it's just sooo funny.
    I remember how I beat Virus. Let it evolve. That's it. Just keep doing that, don't devolve any of them. While it's mutating your symptoms, you upgrade transmission and abilities. Devolve if they mutate a lethal one before your ready. It's that simple.

  39. I can beat this game every single time on brutal. I've unlocked most of the dna sequences and the game is still a blast. It's much easier now, but brutal can be very difficult at times. The starting location isn't even that important.. I use parasite, have no symptoms at all, water 2, air 2, heat and cold 2 and the medicine 2.. just sit back, collect points, and stay unnoticed. After you've infected everyone, you should have quite a few points built up without even being noticed. Start buying some lethal symptoms, keep enough points for a dna reshuffle though, just to make sure the cure doesn't take you out.. Most times you will win. I've scored 32000 points in a game using this strategy. Have fun!

  40. Finished all levels of standard on Brutal on my Samsung Tablet (I had the game before on the iPad - so knew what I was doing), yet the expansion module would not unlock. Is this something you guys see on android? Anything I can do to fix that?

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

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